Adult Education About Us
The Adult and Continuing Education program at Jefferson-Lewis BOCES offers a variety of programs for adult students to continue their education. Our diverse course offerings include business training, trade/technical training and personal enrichment.
The Adult Practical Nursing Program prepares students for the NCLEX Exam and a successful career in nursing. Apply in May for the program that runs September-June at both technical centers, or in November for the program that starts in February at the Bohlen Technical Center.
Trade/Technical Courses are offered on a semi-annual basis to individuals who seek career trade skills. These courses include electrical wiring, welding, cosmetology, and health careers. Students who successfully complete a selected course will be provided with nationally recognized certification.
Personal enrichment courses are offered in a variety of fields including photography, computers, and communication.
Programs are offered to adults for instruction in English and Math. Courses are available to those who are looking to learn English as a second language and to those who are interested in earning a high school equivalency diploma.
Jefferson-Lewis BOCES is an approved New York State Department of Education site for literacy education and testing for the high school equivalency examination (GED®). All literacy instruction is free
For more information about BOCES Adult Education, call 315-779-7129 or email RFulkers@boces.com