Careers in the criminal justice field are both rewarding and demanding. Students will be able to explore options in this field in rigorous hands-on and classroom-based learning activities. The program features use of some of the most current technology found in the profession, including crime-scene investigation and suspect identification tools. Internships with criminal justice professionals in the local community are also available.

This is a two year program for high school juniors and seniors. Students will have the opportunity to earn up to four credits per year in CTE or a combination of CTE and integrated academic credit for career and financial management, English, participation in government and science.
Sample units of study include criminal/procedural law and criminology, police professionalism, emergency care, human relations, vehicle and traffic law, criminal investigations, patrol procedures and advanced security procedures.
Career opportunities include police officer, military police, human services, retail security, U.S. Customs, state park police, industrial security, paralegal and probation/parole.

We have articulation agreements with Bryant & Stratton College, Clinton Community College, Herkimer Community College, Hilbert College, Jefferson Community College, Mohawk Valley Community College, SUNY Adirondack, SUNY Canton and SUNY Delhi.
BOCES students also have the opportunity to earn up to 20 credits towards a two-year, AOS Business Degree at Jefferson Community College. Click here to learn more.
Click here to download the program brochure
Instructors at the Charles H. Bohlen, Jr. Technical Center:
Darcy Pitkin:
Todd Gorman:
Instructor at the Howard G. Sackett Technical Center:
Don Neddo: