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Half Day Program Also Available

Careers in designing and engineering are continuously evolving and growing with an eye towards modern ideas and solving real-world problems.  The manufacturing and engineering fields require high tech knowledge and skills, as well as the ability to work as part of a team to bring a concept to life.  It is one of the most challenging, yet financially rewarding career paths available.  

students solving equation

The Engineering & Design program gives students a competitive advantage in the manufacturing and engineering fields as they work with state of the art equipment and perfect problem solving skills through project-based-learning.

This is a two year program for juniors and seniors. Students will have the opportunity to earn up to four credits per year in CTE or a combination of CTE and integrated academic credit for career and financial management, math and science.

Sample units of study include Solid Works (CADD); Automation Systems, Build and Program a Robotic Arm; Production Assembly Automation, Programmable Logic Controllers; Green & Lean Production Methods.  

Career opportunities include draftsman, machining, engineering technician, mechanical engineer, industrial engineer and production supervisor.  

We have articulation agreements with Mohawk Valley Community College, Lincoln Technical Institute, Alfred State College, SUNY Adirondack, SUNY Canton, SUNY Delhi, University of Northwestern Ohio and Jefferson Community College.  Students will also have the opportunity to earn 3 EDGE credits through JCC for ENS 101:  Engineering Graphics.  

student using 3d Printer

BOCES students also have the opportunity to earn up to 20 credits towards a two-year, AOS Business Degree at Jefferson Community College. Click here to learn more.

Click here to download the program brochure for the full day academy

Click here to download the program brochure for the half day program


Walter Berwick