All registrations can be found at our workshop catalog located here. Or, you can select the date of the course and click on the highlighted link below.
This workshop will provide participants with training in daily classroom interactions as well as both certificates (DASA and SAVE) NYS requires for substitute teacher or teacher assistant certification. Participants must complete the 2 online classes included and then attend the virtual meeting session. We will also discuss the steps to obtain ones Mandated Reporter certificate during the virtual meeting session. Registrants will receive information to log in to the online classes once payment has been received.
The fee for this workshop is $60. Credit card payments can be made online. Please remit check/money order payment to the following address:
Jefferson-Lewis BOCES
ATTN: Bonnie Mosher
20104 St. Rt. 3
Watertown NY 13601
Please note: Your registration fee must be received in a timely manner for all online courses to be completed prior to the virtual meeting session
Questions: please contact Bonnie Mosher, 315-779-7040.
Workshop Session | Registration |
April 9, 2025, 9 am-12 pm | |
July 9, 2025, 9 am-12 pm |
If you have technical questions regarding certification, please the JLB Certification Office at jlbcertification@boces.com or visit the Regional Certification Resources webpage.
The exam is administered by NYSTCE at multiple locations across the state and region.
To register for this exam, go to www.nystce.nesinc.com or click here.
If you have questions about your TA Certification, please visit our Teacher Certification page, or contact Jason Ring at jlbcertification@boces.com or (315) 779-7020.