In addition to the regular Special Education classrooms, Programs for Exceptional Students offers a variety of related support services for both general and special education students.
Adaptive Physical Education - A certified Physical Education Teacher provides a specially designed program of developmental activities, games, sports, and rhythms suited to the interests and capabilities of students with disabilities who may not safely or successfully participate in the regular Physical Education Program. Students who attend the 12:1:1 and 12:1+(3:1) classes often have adaptive physical education as a component of their special education program.
Assistive Technology - This service allows students with disabilities access to technology services that assist them in education, communication, mobility, independence and control over their environment. This service includes consultation to classroom teachers, as well as direct services to students. A trained specialist assists in the acquisition of assistive devices, specialized hard-ware/peripheral, and software necessary for appropriate computer access.
Community-Based Vocational Training for Special Needs Students - The purpose of this career exploration program is to enable students to develop the competencies and behaviors needed to secure paid employment. Students receive instruction in actual work settings under the guidance of a job coach. It is a hands-on approach designed to provide students with a supportive job site experience.
Counseling for Special Needs Students - Certified Social Workers provide counseling services to students enrolled in district-operated and BOCES special education programs.
Deaf/Hearing Impaired - A certified Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing serves children with medically diagnosed, physiological hearing problems. Students develop competency in the communication modes of speech, speech reading, audition, signing, finger spelling, reading, and writing.
Educational Audiologist - An Educational Audiologist provides hearing impaired and deaf students with comprehensive audiological services to reduce the possible negative effects of hearing loss on learning and to maximize auditory learning and communication skills. Services include hearing evaluations, determination of a student’s need for classroom amplification, equipment management, consultations to students, parents, and staff, and habilitation services such as auditory training and speech reading.
Interpreter for Deaf/Hearing Impaired - A Sign Language Interpreter provides services to deaf/hearing impaired students who are in need of visual language cues in order to receive and/or express ideas in the classroom setting. Interpreters use American Sign Language and/or Signed English to facilitate communication between the deaf students and others in the school setting.
Occupational/Physical Therapy - An Occupational Therapist specializes in the development of the fine motor and visual perceptual motor skills and activities of daily living. A Physical Therapist specializes in the development of gross motor skills. These are school-based services that support the educational goals of the student.
Orientation and Mobility - A licensed Orientation and Mobility Instructor provides services to visually impaired or blind students in school and community settings. This is a comprehensive and individualized service that enables the student to become aware of elements and factors in his/her environment and to move through that environment safely and independently.
Speech/Language Services - This service includes diagnosis, program planning and implementation, as well as consultation. Our Speech and Language Therapists serve pupils with a wide range of communication problems including articulation, language, fluency, voice, and minor hearing impairments.
Visually Impaired - A certified Teacher of the Blind and Visually Impaired provides support to students whose visual impairment adversely affects educational performance. The teacher is available to provide evaluation, instruction, or other types of support relative to the particular needs of the student.
Vocational Assessment Services - A Vocational Assessment is a systematic collection and analysis of data and information which must be considered in the development of the transition plan of the Individualized Education Program (I.E.P.). A transition plan enables a student to utilize the final school years to develop necessary skills for post-secondary goals. A trained vocational assessment evaluator and assessment assistant examine vocational aptitudes, skills, and expressed interests in technical training and careers.