Students in the Environmental Conservation & Forestry program at the Howard G. Sackett Technical Center in Glenfield, NY had an excellent showing at the annual New York State Conservation Contest held May 24, 2018 at Paul Smith’s College in Paul Smiths, NY. Twelve students from the program competed this year against students enrolled in similar BOCES programs across the state. The competition includes events in equipment operation, forestry events, and woodsmen’s events.
This year, scholarships for Paul Smith’s College were awarded to first, second, and third place winners in the various competitions. First place winners received $1,500 annual scholarship; second place winners received a $1,000 annual scholarship and third place winners received a $500 annual scholarship.
Congratulations to the following Jefferson-Lewis BOCES students
1st Place
Tree Identification: Seth Miller (Beaver River)
Fish and Wildlife Identification: Damon Emerson (South Lewis)
Chainsaw Speed Cut: Cameron Gray (Copenhagen)
Compass and Pace: Cameron Gray (Copenhagen)
Crosscut Saw/2 Person: Seth Miller (Beaver River) and Micah Kelly (Lowville)
2nd Place
Tree Identification: Micah Kelly (Lowville)
Compass and Pace: Lucas Goutermout (Lowville)
Fire Build/2 Person: Nick Capron (Adirondack) and Zach Carpenter (Adirondack)
3rd Place
Compass and Pace: Micah Kelly (Lowville)
Fish and Wildlife Identification: Seth Miller (Beaver River)
Bow Saw: Jedidiah Denney (Lowville)
Team Pulp Throw/4 Person: Cameron Gray (Copenhagen), Jedidiah Denney (Lowville) Micah Kelly (Lowville) and Tyler Culver (Copenhagen)
4th Place
Compass and Pace: Jedidiah Denney (Lowville)
Tree Felling: Nick Capron (Adirondack)
Peavey Log Roll/2 Person: Lucas Goutermout (Lowville) and David Laframboise (South Lewis)
Chainsaw Speedcut: Zach Carpenter (Adirondack)
from l to r: Nick Capron, Lucas Goutermout, Seth Miller, David Laframboise, Micah Kelly, Damon Emerson, Jedidiah Denney, Brian Yager, Tyler Culver, Brendan Martin, Cameron Gray, Zach Carpenter