Help Wanted: Jefferson-Lewis BOCES is seeking to hire an English Teacher for the Howard G. Sackett Technical Center
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
English Teacher Vacancy Notice
Help Wanted: Jefferson-Lewis BOCES is seeking to hire an Automotive Technology Instructor for the Howard G. Sackett Technical Center
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
Automotive Technology Instructor Vacancy Notice
Help Wanted: Jefferson-Lewis BOCES is seeking to hire a Special Education Teacher
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
Help Wanted: Jefferson Lewis BOCES is seeking to hire a Special Education Program Supervisor
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
A thank you to all of or education, industry and community partners for your help with the external review of our CTE courses.
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
March Madness for Books: Elite Eight Round voting is now open
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
Windblade Challenge is underway at the Sackett Center #pursuingexcellence
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
Proposed BOCES Capital Project passes 454-27. We thank the community for its support of our students.
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
Polls are now open for the proposed capital project vote. Polls will remain open until 8 pm tonight
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
Vet Practices at the Sackett Center delivers nearly a ton of kitty litter Tuesday to the Lewis County Humane Society as part of a public service project #pursuingexcellence
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
Local students are taking a virtual field trip to the St. Louis Zoo today. #distancelearning #pursuingexcellence
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
Capital Project vote is March 7. Click for more info:
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
Alexandria Central #odysseyofthemind #pursuingexcellence
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
Lyme Central #odysseyofthemind #pursuingexcellence
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
Immaculate Heart Central #odysseyofthemind #pursuingexcellence
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
Lowville Team B #odysseyofthemind #pursuingexcellence
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
Ohio Elementary #odysseyofthemind #pursuingexcellence
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
Ogdensburg #odysseyofthemind #pursuingexcellence
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
Lura Sharp Elementary #odysseyofthemind #pursuingexcellence
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES
Sackets Harbor #odysseyofmind #pursuingexcellence
almost 7 years ago, Jeff-Lewis BOCES