COVID-19 Statement April 23, 2021: https://5il.co/rwf2
COVID-19 Statement April 21, 2021: https://5il.co/rtil
COVID-19 Statement April 20, 2021: https://5il.co/rrum
COVID-19 Statement April 17, 2021: https://5il.co/rorq
Agendas for tonight's Annual Meeting https://5il.co/rau7 and Board of Education Meeting https://5il.co/rau8
This evening's (4/14) Annual Meeting and BoE Meeting can be viewed live on www.boces.tv/live beginning at 6 pm.
The Jefferson-Lewis BOCES Program for Practical Nursing will be offering one the last TEAS® Session on Wednesday, May 19, 2021 as part of the Fall 2021 enrollment process. This will be an Express Admissions Process, which means all required documents listed for the Practical Nursing Program 2021-2022 Admission Process are due Wednesday, May 19, 2021. https://5il.co/rg4q
COVID-19 Statement March 29, 2021: https://5il.co/r14p
COVID-19 Statement March 27, 2021: https://5il.co/qzv2
COVID-19 Statement March 24, 2021: https://5il.co/qx6q
COVID-19 Statement March 22, 2021: https://5il.co/quip
COVID-19 Statement March 19, 2021: https://5il.co/qt1k
The next TEAS® Exam will take place on March 31, 2021. This is for Pre-Admission for the Fall 2021 Adult Practical Nursing Program. Students must register through ATI test site, http://www.atitesting.com. The cost is $97.00 payable at the time of registration. Please use this link to review Program Admission Requirements: https://5il.co/lpl3
COVID-19 Statement March 18, 2021: https://5il.co/qrm1
COVID-19 Statement March, 17, 2021: https://5il.co/qq2m
The Wednesday night (3/17) BOE Meeting will be streamed live on https://www.boces.tv/live
COVID-19 Statement March 16, 2021: https://5il.co/qoh5
The March 17 Board of Education Meeting Agenda is now available: https://5il.co/qkvz
The minutes for the Feb. 10, 2021 Board of Education Meeting are now available: https://5il.co/qkvt
Updated NYS Dep. of Health Guidance on Travel and Quarantining: https://5il.co/qiam