Capital Project vote is March 7. Click for more info:
The Sackett Technical Center is closed today due to weather
No AM classes at the Bohlen Technical Center in Watertown
Learn more about the proposed BOCES Capital Project:
Students of the Adult Practical Nursing program at the Sackett Center recently collected $650 worth of baby formula that was donated to an orphanage in Haiti.
Congratulations to Sackett Center Vet Practices student Ryan Berwick for being the top seller in recent flower sale fundraiser
Sackett Center Merit and Honor Rolls 2nd Quarter
Congratulations to the Sackett Center "Student of the Quarter" recipients
Winter is here. Watch for all weather related closures and announcements here
Welcome to our newest staff members to the CTE Department. Have a great year.
Welcome to the new Career & Technical Education home page. We hope you enjoy the new design.