Effective with applications submitted after September 1, 2009, all candidates for a classroom teaching certificate in all areas of Special Education were required to complete coursework or training from a State Education Department approved provider.
This requirement applies to three groups of applicants:
After 9/1/09 applicants for an Initial certificate in one of the following certificate titles:
Students with Disabilities Early Childhood Birth – Grade 2
Students with Disabilities Childhood Education Grades 1-6
Students with Disabilities Middle Childhood Generalist Grades 5-9
Students with Disabilities Middle Childhood Academic Subjects Grades 5-9
Students with Disabilities Adolescence Academic Subjects Grades 7-12
Students with Disabilities Adolescence Generalist Grades 7-12
Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Blind and Visually Impaired
Speech and Language Disabilities
After September 1, 2009, for a Professional certificate in the certificate titles listed above.
After September 1, 2009, applicants holding a Provisional certificate and progressing to the Permanent certificate in each of the following certificate titles:
Special Education
Deaf and Hearing Impaired
Blind and Partially Sighted
Speech and Hearing Handicapped
Any applicant who completed an approved education program leading to certification in any of the certificate titles listed above, on or after September 1, 2008, will have had the required coursework or training in the needs of students with autism included in their special education program and therefore will not need to submit documentation of this requirement.
For all other applicants, the Office of College and University Evaluations maintains a listing of approved providers. This information can be found by logging onto Higher End NYS ED GOV
Upon completion of the workshop, it is the applicants responsibility to forward the certificate to either the Office of Teaching Initiatives in Albany or the BOCES that is evaluating their case.