The Jefferson-Lewis BOCES Communications Department provides a variety of communication needs to school districts. Included in the Communications Department are a Public Information Officer and a fully operational Graphics Department
Graphic Arts Department
The Graphic Arts Department at Jefferson-Lewis BOCES provides both internal and external communication for component districts using state of the art equipment. This includes newsletters, flyers, and in-class materials. It is currently located at the Howard G. Sackett Technical Center in Glenfield.
Have a project in mind for our Graphics Department? Download and fill out a request form here.
Ashley Peebles, Graphics Coordinator,, (315) 377-7339
Zachary Pauling, Graphic Designer,, 315-377-7336
Communications/Public Information Officer
The Public Information Officer can assist participating districts with any external communication needs they may have. This includes the writing and distributing of press releases, writing and developing newsletter articles, shooting promotional video and managing website content and district social media accounts.
Nathan Lehman, Information Coordinator, (315) 779-7025,