Chares H. Bohlen Jr. Technical Center

The Charles H. Bohlen Jr. Technical Center is located on the Watertown campus of Jefferson-Lewis BOCES and offers a variety of classes and programs for both high school and adult students.

The center is named in honor of Charles H. Bohlen, Jr., who served as District Superintendent from 1982-2003. In making the designation in 2004, the Board of Education cited his commitment to providing high quality services to the school districts of Northern New York, earning him the respect of students, teachers, parents, principals and superintendents.

The Bohlen Technical Center offers a variety of Career and Technical Education courses with a focus on a variety of industries such as Health Science, Architecture & ConstructionInformation TechnologyEducation and more. Courses that are specific to Bohlen Tech. include Carpentry, Plumbing/HVACArchitectureElectronic & Computer Technology, Medical AssistingIntro to Trades: HospitalityHeavy EquipmentMotorcycle, Marine, & Power Sports and Welding. Bohlen Tech. is also the home to the Pre-Tech AcademyGuidance and academic support offices are also located in the technical center and available for student use.

The Bohlen Technical Center also houses the main offices of Adult Education and provides classroom space for many of the Adult Education courses. It is also the home of the Jefferson-Lewis BOCES Testing Center.

For further information, contact Cortney Diddle, Principal, (315)


20104 NYS Route 3,
Watertown, NY 13601