Pre-Tech Academy


Now offered at both Bohlen Technical Center and Sackett Technical Center

Pre-Tech Academy is a one year program for high school sophomores built upon exploring careers and learning 21st century skills in an active and supportive environment. The program includes hands-on projects and field trips that will engage students in collaborative problem solving. Students will also have the opportunity to further explore career options and programs at Jefferson-Lewis BOCES, begining their career planning.

The program is half day, with the opportunity for students to earn four credits (1 Global Studies, 1 English, 2 CTE).

Sample units of study include learning more about Microsoft Office, engaging in effective public speaking and presentation, entrepreneurship and business, learning more about global history and issues.

Instructors at Bohlen Technical Center:

Holly Nichols

Tammy Allen

Jonathan Bliss

Instructors at Sackett Technical Center:

Cole Mullin

John Lachenauer