Every Career & Technical Education program is categorized into a career cluster. A career cluster is a group of jobs and industries that are related by skills or products. We have categorized each of our CTE programs into one or more of the clusters listed below. Click on the link to learn more about the cluster, what skills are needed in that field, potential job opportunities, and the programs offered at Jefferson-Lewis BOCES.
Pre-Tech Academy: A one year program for high school sophomores built upon exploring careers and learning 21st century skills in an active and supportive environment.
Arts, AV Technology & Communication: This cluster focuses on the art of multimedia communications to a vast and wide audience, through the use of the written word and visual images.
Architecture & Construction: This career cluster focuses on designing, planning, building, managing and maintenance of structures and utilities.
Information Technology: This career cluster focuses on the designing, implementation and management of hardware, software, multimedia, and systems integration services.
Human Services: This career cluster focuses on family and human needs in the community, including counseling and mental health services, social services, family services, personal care and consumer services.
Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources: This career cluster focuses on the production, processing, marketing, distribution, and development of commodities and resources within the agricultural field. This includes food, natural resources, horticulture, wood products, plant and animal resources.
Hospitality & Tourism: This career cluster focuses on operations of restaurants and other food services as well as lodgings, attractions, recreation, and travel related services.
Health Science: This career cluster focuses on the planning, management, and implementation of care and related services within the health field.
Law, Public Service, Corrections, & Security: This career cluster focuses on the planning, management and providing of legal and protective services, public safety and homeland security.
Education: This career cluster focuses on the planning, managing, and production of materials into a final product.
Manufacturing: This career cluster focuses on the planning, managing, and production of materials into a final product.
Government & Public Administration: This cluster focuses on the planning and performance of government functions and services on a local, state, and federal level.
Transportation, Distributions & Logistics: This career cluster focuses on the planning, management and movement of people, materials, and goods through land, air, and water.